Monday, 30 April 2018

Agebda Notes
-Read for 20 minutes
-Math worksheets on length, area, and perimeter
-WWF 4 dollars
-UOI Materials if needed
-Spelling pg.  114-116
-Math test Weds-

This morning we celebrated our April Balanced winners. Hunter received the Balanced award for our class. Way to go Hunter!

For spelling here are the words of the week.  Keep practicing hte spelling bee words as well!

4. cooler

Today for math, we had our math review on length, area, and perimeter.

For UOI, we began building and reocrding in our journals the process.

Friday, 27 April 2018

Agenda notes
-Uoi brainstorm and materials for Monday
-Math worksheets on length, area, and perimeter
-Trip form

For Language today, we had our spelling test and continued working on our persuasive writ No for a cake. We reinforced the use of catchy words and phrases.

For math today, we compared area and perimeter. We used geoboards to  create objects with the same area but different perimeter, and also figures with the same perimeter but different area.

We modelled again how to count the perimeter and area with our units of measurement as units or square units. Sometimes for perimeter the unit of measurement can be cm or m.

For Uoi we reviewed our unit and discussed what makes stable structures, and completed the what we learned section of our KWL chart from the first lesson.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Today's agenda notes:
-Read for 20 minutes
-Clothing donations
-Book order due April 30
-Spelling sentences in cursive
-UOI bridge brainstorm and materials due Monday
-Pizza persuasive writing
-Math test next Weds
-Math worksheet on area

This morning we continued to work on our pizza persuasive writing. We created a persuasive checklist, which needs to be met when writing.

After, we had PE with Ms. Yustin, check out her blog.

For math today, we looked at using grids to find area. We looked at counting squares but this time they could be in half which makes a triangle. So we used our prior knowledge to connect the fact that two halves make a whole.

We discussed a few strategies to keep track of our counting. 

1. Count the whole squares first.
2. We can number the squares as we count them
3. Then count the half squares and put a dot on them


We can shade in the triangles first, then count the whole squares then count the half squares.

Students worked on tracing shapes onto grid paper and finding the area.

Just a couple

After first recess, we continued to work on our pizza writing. When finished the next piece of writing is persuading someone to buy a cake! Students began their brainstorm and will work more independently on this using the checklist to help them along the way.

Many ideas from the pizza are transferable and persuasive words are up on the board!

After, we had French with Mme Stella. 

After second recess, we said our formal 'see you laters' to Ms. Patricia because we know we will see her again!

We thanked her for all that she has done and gave her a card we all signed yesterday.

She had the class individually colour their own picture to put into her own photo album to keep as a memory. 

We had golden time today, instead of tomorrow.

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Agenda notes:
-Read for 20 minutes
-Book order due April 30
-Spelling pg. 110-113
-UOI bridge brainstorm due Monday
-Spelling sentences in cursive
-Clothing donations

We finished reading chapter 3 of 'A perfect time for Pandas.' We realised in this chapter although pandas eat bamboo and it is 'tough as wood' it does not fit the criteria of the rest of the riddle because it is not baked with love and it is not healthy.

We had PE with Miss Yustin.

For math today, we learned how to measure area using square units.

We started off with a problem. 

How many 4x4 squares will is take to cover the math textbook, how many 6x6, 8x8 and 10x10 squares First we made estimates in our groups then we actually tried to measure it and figure out.

We noticed that the larger squares take up more space so there will be less of those required to cover the surface, and more smaller squares are required. 

We discussed the important of our units which is square units. VERY IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER WHEN WRITING OUR ANSWERS.

We also discussed that we can use large squares for large areas and small squares for smaller areas.

After first recess, we had language. For language we did shared writing for persuasive writing. Together, we worked together to use persuasive words, appropriate grammar, conventions, adjectives, and details for our writing. After students began writing their own ad for pizza.
Some new words on our wall to help us with persuasive writing

We will finish our independent write tomorrow. After, we had French with Mme. Stella.

After second recess, we combined classes with Miss Jaskolka's class for work on our gum drop challenge. Students were given 10 gum drops or jube jubes, and 20 tooth picks to create a structure that will hold a textbook.

We discussed what we have learned about stable structures, knowing that the base needs to be wide, triangles are a good shape to use, and here were some questions for consideration that helped guide students along their inquiry.

How will your roof affect
the home’s ability to be tested?

How could you strengthen the joints?

Since you found that one triangle is good, would two be even better?

How could you broaden the base to give the house more support?

How does the number of toothpicks stuck into one gumdrop
affect the strength of the joint?

We celebrated the fact that sometimes are structures did not work! We just had to think about changing some features in order to make it more stable.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Today's agenda notes were not written, we had a very quick end of the day.
-Read for 20 minutes
-Book orders due April 30
-Spelling pg. 110-113
-Casual day tomorrow
-Spelling sentences in cursive
-Clothing donations

Today for language, we began our persuasive writing about a pizza. 
We brainstormed about the product we are trying to sell. 

We came up with a catchy opening, catchy words and phrases, and reasons why people should buy it. We are still working on it and will continue first with shared writing.

I think this made them hungry, they kept asking when lunch was!

They got to have PE with Ms. Amra outside then had math.

Today for math we participated in a perimeter activity to reinforce our knowledge about perimeter.

I showed students how to plot coordinates on a map and they became pirates taking over islands. Their task was to plot coordinates and then connect them, then they had to find the perimeter of the shape and their partner checked it. If it was correct they got to take over the island, if not they didn't get a point.

After first recess, we got ready to go to Kidsports, students who didn't go stayed with Miss Jaskolka.

We sung Rohaan Happy Birthday and got ready to go home.

Monday, 23 April 2018

Agenda notes:
-Spelling pg. 110-112
-Grade 3 spelling
-Read for 20 minutes
-Spelling sentences
-Math worksheet [perimeter in metres]
-Casual day Wednesday
-Clothing donations

After-care invoices are due tomorrow!

This morning, we worked on spelling. 

2A words.They are learning that when the final consonant in most short-vowel words is doubled when an ending is added. This rule works for most of the list words.

2. running
3. trimming
4. skipping
5. shopped
6. sadder
7. gladdest
8. hopped
9. winning
10. mixed

2B words. They are learning about vowel pairs, and vowel digraphs.

1. teacher
2. feel
3. speak
4. clue
5. fail
6. soak
7. below
8. lie
9. needle
10. said
11. group
12. feast
13. ready
14. cheap
15. again
16. throat
18. sooner
19. least
20. contain

For math, we learned how to measure in metres.This is different because metres is used for large figures.
We did some real life examples measuring shapes around the classroom.

Then we worked on our worksheets.

After lunch, we had our scientists in the school workshop.

We learned how triangles are more stable than squares.

We also looked at how a weight at the base increases the stability.

We also looked at how  corrugated base is more stable than a flat base.

We also built bridges out of newspaper that had to support the mass of three books.