Thursday 26 April 2018

Today's agenda notes:
-Read for 20 minutes
-Clothing donations
-Book order due April 30
-Spelling sentences in cursive
-UOI bridge brainstorm and materials due Monday
-Pizza persuasive writing
-Math test next Weds
-Math worksheet on area

This morning we continued to work on our pizza persuasive writing. We created a persuasive checklist, which needs to be met when writing.

After, we had PE with Ms. Yustin, check out her blog.

For math today, we looked at using grids to find area. We looked at counting squares but this time they could be in half which makes a triangle. So we used our prior knowledge to connect the fact that two halves make a whole.

We discussed a few strategies to keep track of our counting. 

1. Count the whole squares first.
2. We can number the squares as we count them
3. Then count the half squares and put a dot on them


We can shade in the triangles first, then count the whole squares then count the half squares.

Students worked on tracing shapes onto grid paper and finding the area.

Just a couple

After first recess, we continued to work on our pizza writing. When finished the next piece of writing is persuading someone to buy a cake! Students began their brainstorm and will work more independently on this using the checklist to help them along the way.

Many ideas from the pizza are transferable and persuasive words are up on the board!

After, we had French with Mme Stella. 

After second recess, we said our formal 'see you laters' to Ms. Patricia because we know we will see her again!

We thanked her for all that she has done and gave her a card we all signed yesterday.

She had the class individually colour their own picture to put into her own photo album to keep as a memory. 

We had golden time today, instead of tomorrow.

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