Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Year Ahead Day

Welcome to Grade 2 Miss Smith's class! I was so excited to have you all today!
For my class parents please see Miss Chiapetta's blog for their day.

Personalized Ornaments for the holidays!
Price $6 for one, if more than one purchased the price becomes $5 each!
Cash only payments please.

Peel Regional Police is conducting a charity, 'Toys for Tots', a toy drive which we will be a part of. Donated toys should be new and unwrapped. Cash or Canadian Tire money may also be donated. The Student Council will be leading the Toy Drive within the school. It will take place from December 7th to December 21st. Toys will be donated at the front desk, or handed over to you by parents or students.
There will be a raffle draw to see who gets to pie a police officer on December 21st!
House points will be given to students who bring in a toy! Thank you for helping to make another child happy!

Today's agenda notes are:

Raz Kids for 20 minutes
Christmas Concert Dec 12
Spelling Sentences.

After we introduced ourselves: I told the students a little bit about me and then we did an icebreaker activity.

About me:
I lived and taught Year 4 in England last year and this is my first year at St. Jude's Academy. Within the first few months I can say that I am overwhelmed with the kindness and caring behaviour of our students and love the environment I work in with the parents, teachers, and support staff.

I played varsity ice hockey at York University during my undergraduate years where I studies Kinesiology and Health Science then went to UofT and completed my Masters in Teaching at OISE. I run a lot and at a really active person  - I also play baseball, and run half marathons. In my classroom I like to keep my students active as it's important for their holistic well-being. My research focused on daily physical activity in the classroom and some of my findings were the benefits that physical activity has with learning which included retention levels, and concentration.

We played a game called 'Connect' in which a student shares something they like or do and whoever shares that interest with them has to stand up and shout CONNECT!

Each student got a turn.

After we played one of my favourite games that works on attentive listening. Students were partnered up and a ball was placed in between them They were given directions such as touch your heads, shoulder, knees, etc and then on GO they have to try to retrieve the ball before their partner. The focus was on participation and having fun no competition.

I explained that we also do mindfulness, today we rung the bell and students had to listen carefully avoiding all distractions. When they could no longer hear the bell they had to raise their hand.

After we went to PE with Mrs. Jans.

After PE we had math!

We had an introduction to multiplication today and talked about how it is repeated addition.
So 3x5 is 5+5+5 and students counted 3 times by 5 to get 15.

We counted by 2,5, and 10's and practiced several examples.

After we learned how to use a multiplication chart.

Then we moved on to playing multiplication bingo with Fruit loops.

After we had first lunch and recess. When we returned we finished a few more rounds of bingo to fill the cards.

After we read the story 'The Little White Owl'
To begin we made predictions about what the story is about. We used pictures, and the summary at the back to make our predictions. Students were also given a guiding question to think about while reading...What makes this owl unique?

As we read we clarified any new words and made predictions throughout the story. After we summarised the story and talked about why the owl is unique. 

Then we turn it over to thinking about ourselves...What makes me unique...

We brainstormed some ideas of what makes us unique. Students came up with things such as their culture, special talents, and hobbies. After they had to write their sentences about why they are unique.

After we had French with Mme. Stella.

Then we went to second lunch and recess.

After we finished up our 'What makes me unique' sheet.

Then we moved on to our Unit of Inquiry. Since grade 2's are learning about Colourful Cultures (see lines of inquiry and central idea on the left panel).

We talked about traditions, we asked what are traditions, and brainstormed a bunch of traditions which included: Christmas, Canada Day, Hanukah, Kwanza, Eid, Halloween, Diwali. After we discussed the traditions we modelled our writing.

My favourite tradition is ___________ because (why is it your favourite). To celebrate I (explain how you celebrate). 

Here is some of their work

After students were given the opportunity to ask questions about grade 2 and then we got ready for home!

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