Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Wonderful Wednesday

Today we started our day off with agenda, today's notes were:

-Read for 20 minutes
-Spelling pg 22-29
-Cursive pg 21-26
-Trip form (students who did not hand it in received another one)
-Math worksheet
-UOI project

Afterwards, we worked on cursive. Then Mrs. Patricia shared with us something that will help us in the classroom and on the playground. She made an emoji emotions chart for everyone in the class. Sometimes, we have feelings that we can't discuss but we can show on the chart and Miss Ramcharan or Miss Patricia can help us feel better.

After we went to PE.

After PE we had math. To start off we looked at all of our doubles up to 10 and finding the sum. We used 12 lego pieces to come up with as many addition facts to make 12 such as 1+11, 2+10, 3+9, 4+8, 5+7, 6+6 and that 1+11 is the same as 11+1.

Then we moved on to how the sum can be used to help us find the difference when subtracting.

We were introduced to fact families and used it to help us with doubling, tomorrow we will be working on fact families for problems that aren't doubles. Since addition and subtraction work together we found out we can use our addition chart to subtract! What we need to do is find the number we are taking away (the second number) in the first row. Then we travel down the column until we reach the first number in our subtraction sentence. Then we move across the row (going left) to the end to find the answer!
Then we had first lunch and recess. After recess we used the time to work on our UOI project. I questioned them as they worked on their projects as to how they will be presenting, how are they making on impact in the community, and how are they meeting the needs of the community.

After they went to French, second lunch and recess.

To end the day we worked on our UOI project. I am very excited to see their projects come together. Through this project they are combing their literacy skills and art skills 
Here are a few:

Have a wonderful evening!

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