Thursday, 12 October 2017


Today we started our day off with agenda, today's notes were:

-Read for 20 minutes
-Spelling pg 22-29
-Cursive pg 21-26
-Math worksheet
-UOI project and practice presenting

Then we worked on cursive before going to PE.

After PE we worked on some literacy: today we looked at letter writing. We created a letter for Urvi who is in India right now. We included the components of the letter such as: an address, date, greeting, body, closing, and signature. In the body we talked about what we have been doing in school and addressed the fact that we miss her!

Afterwards, we had math! Today we looked at fact families. We started off using counters (or my blue construction paper that looked like Theta house points) and demonstrated how 8 is 5+3=8 can be switched into 3+5, and 8-3, and 8-5. So fact families use the same 3 numbers to make 2 related addition and 2 related subtraction sentences.

We then created our own fact family houses (which are on display!) We know that we can't use doubles. After we started our worksheets. Then it was time for lunch and recess.

After recess we worked on our fact family problems, and creating detailed sentences.

Then we had music and French.

Then we had second lunch and recess. Then we had some time to prepare for our UOI presentations with a partner. We co-constructed the success criteria for a successful presentation and project. Then we started our presentations, here are a few.
Alexa made craft toys and a card for the children at Sick Kids hospital. Rayna helped Alexa with her crafts as she had a whole bag of very creative crafts.

Esha made a very decorative card with kind messages for the children at Sick Kids. 
Jordan created letters for teachers and delivered it to their mailboxes

Quinntin and Aryana helped Jordan present by helping him hold all of his cards.

Thank you to our friends who may not have presented today but were caring and helped their friends present. Those who went today were great risk takers! Our class gave very positive feedback to our presenters in the form of two stars and a wish.

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