-Read for 20 mins
-Math worksheet
Quite a short one!
DRA's have been sent home, if you have any questions please let me know.
Then we continued writing our letter to Urvi. We talked about other subjects, sentence openers, using adjectives, nouns, and verbs in our writing, and describing feelings in the letter.
After, we went to PE with Mrs. Jans.
When we came back from PE, we had math. We started off with minute math; this week the time was 9 minutes and next week 8! After we marked our sheets together we talked about fact families again, and what we have been learning throughout the week. Then, we moved on to our math activity centres.
One station was subtraction triangles, which are a puzzle, where we had to figure out what number fits into the puzzle so that when you subtract the two numbers the one below it is the correct answer.
It is a bit tricky!
Another station was fastest facts with cards. We had to flip over two cards with a partner and add the sum. The person who replied quicker and correct took the pile.
The third station was building our fact family houses with 3 digits. This meant creating two addition sentences and two subtraction sentences.
The final station was sunken treasure; students worked against each other to reach the treasure by answering addition and subtraction sentences. If they got it wrong they had to go back to the beginning.
After math we had first lunch and recess. Then we had literacy.
For literacy today we started off with our spelling test. The bonus words were: DRUMROLL:
1) addition
2) pattern
3) letter
4) house
5) greeting
These words have been used in class and most are around the room!
After literacy we went over letter writing again. We went over a letter format using the letter we wrote to Urvi. We talked about editing through our COPS checklist and then were given a few letters to edit.
C- Capitals
O- Organisation
P- Punctuation
Then we had French with Mme. Stella.
After French we had second lunch and recess.
To end our lessons we had our UOI presentations, here are a few photos from the presentations!
Aryana presenting her card for Seniors
Ayden presenting his toy hockey and basketball game for the children at the hospital with Jad and Quinntin helping him present
Quinntin presenting his plan to read to the SK students.
Rayen presenting his cards with kind messages
Alister promoting his food drive!
To cap off our day we had our September awards assembly, our award winner for September was Esha. We celebrated the IB learner profile inquirer. Congratulations Esha!
Have a wonderful weekend!
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