Monday, 16 October 2017


Welcome back!

Today's agendas notes were:

Spelling pg. 30-33
Cursive up to pg 30 (was not sent home)
Math Worksheet
Read for 20 mins 

Then we had a class read aloud using reciprocal reading to help us understand reading.

How it works: 
1) Predict (using pictures, text, captions, and using prior knowledge)
2) Read (read the text)
3) Clarify (what words don't we understand, what can we do to understand them?)
4) Question (we get to be the person quizzing; what kind of questions would be on a test?)
5) Summarise (a summary in our own words of what we read)

After we went to PE with Mrs. Jans.

After PE we had math!

We recapped our learning from last week using fact family houses and how to use counters to find the missing number. 

We started off with a word problem and how to read and respond to a word problem. Together we came up with strategies to help us understand what word problems are asking us, such as what operation to use (addition or subtraction) how to show our thinking (pictures, numbers and words) and responding in a sentence.

Afterwards, we looked at finding the missing number using related facts.

Each pair received a triangle with a couple of numbers. They had to use Lego pieces with their partner to figure out the missing number or numbers.

We modeled a few examples of related facts and ones that don't work and how to find the missing number. 

Then we went on to our worksheet. 
There was a challenge to find the suspect who stole the pencils!

Then we had first lunch and recess.

After lunch and recess we had spelling. We looked at our spelling words and how to use them to help us spell words that rhyme. We focused on the long a sound in words (eg. late, came, tape) and how they can help us spell other words (eg. plate, blame, grape)

Spelling words this week are:
1) save
2) lake
3) face
4) same
5) gate
6) rake
7) tape
8) sail
9) paint
10) afraid

Then we had music with Mr. Oliver, and French with Mme. Stella.
Afterwards we went to second lunch and recess.

After recess, we had a few friends present their UOI project. Thank you!

Hunter promoting his recycling campaign! He will be going around St. Jude's to speak to classes about the importance of recycling

Jad presenting his toy dinosaur for the children at the hospital

 Amar presenting his toy dinosaur to the children at the hospital
Rohaan presenting his card and paper airplane for the children at Sick Kids. 

Great work to everyone on their first UOI project! I'm very proud of their work and for being risk takers!
After we kicked off our new UOI unit which is:
 Transdisciplinary theme: Who we Are
    Title: On the move
    Central IdeaPeople choose different ways to migrate from one place to another and
    Lines of inquiry:
-Transportation then and now
-Reasons people choose to migrate

-Effects on the receiving country after migration

We brainstormed a  Transdisciplinary theme: Who we Are
    Title: On the move
    Central IdeaPeople choose different ways to migrate from one place to another and
    Lines of inquiry:
-Transportation then and now
-Reasons people choose to migrate (😱This would make a great bonus word!!)
-Effects on the receiving country after migration

We completed a pre-assessment activity looking at all the different forms of transportation that we already know about and how they are used. Tomorrow we will come up with questions for our I wonder wall.

Then we handed our our homework and agendas and got ready for home.


November Lunches

Ordering Website is now active for the month of November. You may start ordering your child's lunches! Please make sure your child is under the correct grade when ordering. The last day to order for November will be Friday, October 27th. After this date, our system closes and is unable to open for November ordering. All payments are due on Friday, November 3rd. 

Payment Instructions
  • There are two options to pay for lunches. Cash and online via Freshbooks. 
  • If you choose to pay through Freshbooks, please choose the cheque option on the ordering site. 
  • Cheque payments will not be accepted. 
    • Shortly after completing your order, a Freshbooks invoice will be sent to your email. 
    • It may take one or two days to process your order to Freshbooks, so please be check your email diligently for the invoice.  

Another item has been added to our Hot Lunch Program as a Special. This month's special is Lasagna that will be available every Friday!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. 

Have a great evening!

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