Friday, 20 October 2017

Fabolous Friday

Today's agenda notes are:

-Read for 20 mins
-Math worksheet
-Trip Oct 24th, Picture Day Oct 26th
-Food drive due Oct 26th
-Bake Sale Tues bring $
-Casual Day Weds

Then we worked on finishing our rough draft of our crayon letters from yesterday.

After we went to PE with Mrs. Jans.

When we came back from PE we had math

Since, it's Friday we had minute math. Today's time was 6 minutes! There have been HUGE improvements in times and scores!

Then we moved on to our lesson, today we looked at using both solving both addition and subtraction problems with double digits.
We went through out strategies for using the standard algorithm.

Charlotte explained her thinking

Ojani was also very clear with his explanations!

Well done!

We drew the standard algorithm and asked each other...
How do we know which operation to use?
We circled the + or the - to make sure it's clear to us.

Then we modeled how to solve addition and subtraction problems with and without regrouping.  After we spent some time as a whole class revisiting subtraction with regrouping. We used the blocks again to show how "if there is more on the floor you go next door" and exchange 1 tens unit for 10 ones.

We continued practicing with and without the blocks.

Then we had first lunch and recess.

After recess we had our spelling test! Then we went to music and French.

When we returned from second lunch and recess we continued publishing and polishing our letter
Here is a sample of a few letters.

Will post the rest on Monday! Feel free to come view them as they are on display outside our classroom!

We finished off with some golden time, and sharing time from Hunter and Alexa who shared their  experience at the cross country meet.  We also gave Amar his birthday card from the class and sang Happy Birthday for his birthday tomorrow!

Have a lovely weekend!

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