Thursday, 31 May 2018

This form is due tomorrow

Today we started our math test but we spent the day watching the Spelling Bee.

Congratulations to all participants!

Agenda notes:\
-Spelling and sentences are due tomorrow
-Track and field day tomorrow bring water, hat, sunscreen, PE clothes
-UOI summatives are due June 11

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Agenda Notes
-Read for 20 minutes
-Math test tomorrow
-UOI summative today due June 11
-Play day forms due June 1
-Bake sale Thurs and Fri
-Spelling pg. 129-132
-Grade 3 spelling package
-PE clothes for Friday - track and field event

-Please ensure that your child is coming to school in their appropriate uniform!

We reflected on the learner profile for May which was 'Principled.' Students wrote and drew a picture about honesty, fairnes, integrity and what principled means. They also began writin the third page of their report card.

For math today, we took up the review and learned cool, new way to figure out the edges in 3D-solids
If you add the number of face and vertice in a 3d-solid then subtract 2 you get the edges.

We are still working on the spelling for some shapes!

Here is a sample of their answers. For sorting, some students chose different attributes and that's okay!

For language today, we read chapter 9 of our novel study and answered comprehension questions individually.

For UOI today, we continued our research on endangered animals using the tablets. Students used this time to also research about their chosen endangered animal for their project.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Agenda notes:
-Read for 20 mins
-Math test Thurs - review package due for bonus marks
-UOI summative June 11
-Choir outfits for tomorrow
-Play Day forms due Fri
-Spelling pg. 129-132
-5 spelling sentences
-PE clothes for Friday - $1 Freezie

For language today, we read chapter 8 of our novel study.  We made predictions and answered comprehension questions together.

For math, we continued our review package. It has been sent home today, and we reviewed the entire package together but students are working on completing this on their own.

We watch the grade 3-6's perform for Art's Night.

For UOI today, we went on our nature walk to search for our journey sticks. We discussed the importance of taking care of nature and the sticks we chose were ones already broken.

We will be adding materials to our stick to tell a story! 

Monday, 28 May 2018

Agenda notes
-Math test Thursday
-Read for 20 minutes
-UOI summative due June 11
-Choir outfits for students in choir tomorrow and Weds
-Spelling pg. 129-132
-5 spelling sentences
-Grade 3 spelling package
-PE clothes Friday for Track and field event - $1 freezies!
-Bake sale Friday

For language today:
-We read chapter 7 of 'A Perfect Time for Pandas' and discussed comprehension questions, made predictions, and inferences.

For spelling here are the list words for each group. Both groups are working on 'oi' and 'ou' sound words.

1. sound
2. frown
3. soil
4. mouth
5. now
6. toy
7. oil
8. spoil
9. noise
10. owl

1. clown
2. join
3. town
4. crowd
5. enjoy
6. round
7. loud
8. point
9. coin
10. toys
11. about
12. proud
13. allow
14. foil
15. power
16. pound
17. blouse
18. crown
19. choice
20. loyal

For math today, we started our review.

We focused today on parallel lines, hatch marks and naming and describing 2D-shapes.

We did not go on our nature walk today as it was extremely hot and alerts were in place therefore we will do this tomorrow.

Quinntin shared some action about a Javan Rhinoceros and then we continued our research on endangered animals using our devices.

Friday, 25 May 2018

-Math test next Thurs May 31
-Read for 20 mins
-Math worksheet on sorting solids
-UOI summative due June 11

For language - we had our spelling test and read chapter 6 of  'A perfect time for Pandas.'

For math - we review attributes of 3D-solids and learned how to use the Venn-diagram to sort solids. We used attributes such as shape of face, number of vertices, congruency.

We worked on sorting our real figures, and also compared prisms and pyramids.

What do cones and a triangular pyramid have in common? They both have a base!

We practiced using different attributes and then worked on our worksheet. We took up the worksheet after.

For UOI today, we began researching about endangered animals using the WWF Together app. Students used this app to learn about different animals habitats, food, fun facts, and what is making them endangered.

We will be continuing on Monday and students are welcome to bring in their devices. If possible please download the WWF Together app.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

The form for the play day will be sent home tomorrow. We got back just in time for dismissal.
Today was our trip to African Lion Safari

We learned some facts about endangered animals, the causes and got to see them up close! We attended an elephant show and went on the river cruise and saw white handed gibbons! Just like the one we sponsored from WWF.

We got to touch the elephant!

Have a wonderful night!