Agenda Notes
-Read for 20 minutes
-Math test tomorrow
-UOI summative today due June 11
-Play day forms due June 1
-Bake sale Thurs and Fri
-Spelling pg. 129-132
-Grade 3 spelling package
-PE clothes for Friday - track and field event
-Please ensure that your child is coming to school in their appropriate uniform!
We reflected on the learner profile for May which was 'Principled.' Students wrote and drew a picture about honesty, fairnes, integrity and what principled means. They also began writin the third page of their report card.
For math today, we took up the review and learned cool, new way to figure out the edges in 3D-solids
If you add the number of face and vertice in a 3d-solid then subtract 2 you get the edges.
We are still working on the spelling for some shapes!
Here is a sample of their answers. For sorting, some students chose different attributes and that's okay!
For language today, we read chapter 9 of our novel study and answered comprehension questions individually.
For UOI today, we continued our research on endangered animals using the tablets. Students used this time to also research about their chosen endangered animal for their project.