-Math test this Thurs Nov 23
-Raz-Kids for 20 mins
-Math review
-Review spelling lesson 7-11
-Summative materials if you need any (such as for posters)
-Book order due Nov 23
-Trip form
-$2-3 for Oakwood's lemonade and toy sale
Our Very First Book Fair is Coming Soon – Yee-Haw!
“Saddle Up & Read” with the first Scholastic Book Fair at St. Jude’s Academy – December 7 to December 14
There will be lots of exciting books, posters, bookmarks, pens and pencils, etc. to choose from!
Proceeds will go to buying great new books for our library.
Students interested in being part of the Student Crew will be meeting tomorrow (Nov.21) at lunch.
More Parent Volunteers are also needed. If you’d like to help out please contact Ms. Hayward at hhayward@stjudesacademy.com
Keep an eye out for more information here on your teacher’s blog, on Facebook, and on the Library blog: https://libraryatsja.blogspot.ca/
After we discussed possible ways to present our summative.
For example if we are making a picture book how can we get all of the details from the interview into the book?
A poster: how can we include features of a poster and have our story in it?
A video: You can pretend to be the person you are interviewing and talk about 'your story'
Or you can include the interview of the person you interviewed and talk about it yourself beforehand.
Scrapbook: include pictures and descriptive words of that country along with the migration story.
Then we went to P.E with Mrs. Jans
After PE we began our math review.
We have been learning about
-Sorting into Venn diagrams with 2 and 3 attributes
-What attributes are? (colour, shape, size)
-Creating and interpreting bar graphs and pictographs
-Reading circle graphs
-Conducting surveys
We reviewed these concepts individually and then proceeded to work on our review package.
My expectation was for them to get to page 4 (there are 7 pages) and they definitely surpassed that!
After math we had first lunch and recess.
When we returned we worked on some reflections for this term.
Students wrote about what they learned, what they improved on, when they had the most fun, and some things they are still working on.
This is the last page of their report card and will be attached to it to go home on December 1st.
Then we went to French with Mme. Stella.
After it was time for second lunch and recess.
When we returned we continued to work on our UOI summative. Here is a sneak peak into some of what they have been working on.
Alexa's picture book
Amar's picture book
Aryana making props for her video
Aryana helping Quinntin make a flag
Aashrith is making a comic!
We will be starting our presentations on Thursday!
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