Thursday, 30 November 2017

Science Fair Thursday!

Today's agenda notes are:
-Raz Kids for 20 minutes
-Spelling pg. 53-57
-Cursive up to pg. 55
-Sign and return math test
-Cultural flag research due Dec 4
-Write one sentence for each spelling word

After we practiced for our science fair!

Then we went to PE with Mrs. Jans.

After PE we had math.
We started off reviewing what arrays are and formed arrays as a class.
We arranged ourselves into two rows of seven.
We figured out the multiplication sentence:

2 rows of seven children
then added someone on at the end and discussed why it no longer is an array. The reason is because it no longer has equal rows and columns.
I love the all the difference face expressions here

Then we reviewed what factors are and the product.

Then we moved on to today's lesson which was: using multiple strategies to multiply by 2 and 5.

We started off discussing the multiplying by 2 and 5 is like skip counting. So we practiced skip counting by 2's and 5's together.

We used a number line to help solve 2x7
We counted by 2's seven times and then stopped. The number we stopped on was our product.
We also looked at how you can flip the factors but the product will be the same, so we counted by 7's two times.

We repeated this again for 5x4. We counted by 5's four times to get to 20.

After we practiced using a hundreds chart to figure out 2x8. 

So all of the ways we have learned to solve multiplication so far are:
-Equal groups
-Hundreds chart
-Number line

After we worked on our worksheets.

Then we went to first lunch and recess.

When we returned it was our judging time for the science fair!
The students sang our version or "Let it go' as "Let it Grow"
We each remembered our line of the script and rehearsed it CONFIDENTLY to the judges.
Well done!!!!!

After we watched Miss. Jaskolka's class perform.

Grade job Grade 2's!

Then we had music with Mr. Oliver, and French with Mme. Stella

After it was second lunch and recess. When we returned it was time for us to go visit all of the other science fair projects. Great job St. Jude's and all the students in grade 4-6 on their science fair

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Today's agenda notes:

-Math worksheet
-Spelling pg. 53-57
-Write one sentence for each spelling word in spiral book
-Cursive up to pg. 55
-Sign and return math test
-Cultural flag research due Dec 4

**Also our Science Fair is tomorrow, please come at 2:30 to view our experiment**\

**Also SJA is excited to announce that Year Ahead Day is happening again this year!  All SJA PYP students will be participating in this exciting event on TuesdayDecember 5th.   Year Ahead Day is a fun and interactive day for the students at SJA to spend a day in the class of the grade level ahead of them (example: SK students spend their day as Grade 1 students, Grade 6 students spend their day as Grade 7 students, etc.).  This is a great way for the students at SJA to get a glimpse into their future life at SJA!  Students can get to know the teachers, see their future classroom, and take part in activities they will be participating in next year.**

This is a sneak peak for next year and not necessarily the classroom teacher that their child will have.  Our grade 2's will be going to spend the day with Miss Chiapetta.

Miss Smith's grade 1's I am excited to have you on this day!

Also Miss Patricia is back!!!

After we practiced for our science fair presentation.

Then we went to PE with Mrs. Jans.

After PE we had math

Today's lesson was learning to use arrays to multiply the key vocabulary we learned today are: array, factors, and product.

What is an array: an array describes objects in equal rows and columns.

We learned that the two numbers you multiply are called factors and the answer is called a product.

We looked at how the first factor is the number of rows in an array, and the second factor is the number in each row. All together is the product.

Students worked in partners to figure out all of the ways they can make an array with Fruit Loops.
We looked at the product of 6 and how many ways we can make an array.

We came up with
4x3=12 and 3x4=12
12x1=12 and 1x12=12
6x2=12 and 2x6=12

We can switch the factors but the product will still stay the same!

Check out this video for more information:

After students worked on their worksheets.

Next we went to first lunch and recess.

After we practiced for the Christma Concert singing Stick Beak the Kiwi.
Today we read read about some facts about the New Zealand Christmas.

We emphasised that facts come from non-fiction texts which means that it is real!

-We learned that in New Zealand the kids leave carrots for Santa's reindeer and pineapples for Santa.
-Christmas takes place in the summer
-Santa wears 'jandals' which are New Zealand sandals and sometimes his New Zealand All Blacks rugby uniforms.

After we went to music with Mr. Oliver and French with Mme. Stella

After recess we rehearsed our science fair presentation!
Students are really remembering their lines and speaking with confidence and enthusiasm!
We are all really excited to present tomorrow!

Then we got ready for home!

I have also handed out forms for students to give their parents in order to sign up and create an account pickAtime for our student led conferences next week. Please sign up as soon as possible

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Today's agenda notes are:
-Math worksheet (most was completed in class, just some
-Read/Raz Kids for 20 minutes
-Spelling pg. 53-57
-Write one sentence for each spelling word in spiral books
-Cursive up to pg. 55
-Sign and return math test
-Bake sale $$

After we practiced for our science fair presentation on Thursday.

We then went to PE. Mrs. Jans was covering a class today so we did some active games and stretches. We participated in toilet tag, and hot dog tag before stretching out and doing some mindfulness.

When we returned he had math.

Today we learned how multiplication and addition are related. We learned how to show that multiplication is repeated addition.

The key vocabulary we learned today was: equal groups, times, multiplication sentence.

We started off reviewing that multiplication means repeated addition.

We reviewed using a hundreds chart to look at counting patterns (Unit 1).
We counted by 5's; starting at 5 and counting by 5's.
We reviewed the patterns (There is always a 5, or a 0 in the ones place)
What asked what is the addition sentence if I land on 15

(5+5+5=15) - We skip counted by 5's three times
In words - there are 3 groups of 5 which equals 15)

We then practiced together looking at 3x2
The X means GROUPS OF

The multiplication sentence is 3x2

So what does it look like as addition?

We have 3 groups of 2 (we drew pictures to help visualise this concept)

so it is 2+2+2=6

She also modelled it on a number line. (There are three skips)

We practiced with a few multiplication sentences.
Students then were asked to skip count starting from five six times to see what number they get. They ended on 30 and together we figured out that since we are counting by fives, one number is 5 and since we skipped six times the other one is 6. So the answer is 5x6=30 (We will later learn that the 5 and 6 are factors and 30 is the product)

Students then worked in partners to make up their own problems counting by 2,5, or 10's.

After they worked on their sheets.

Check out this video

After math we had first lunch and recess.

When we returned we had our novel study.

We created our book review for Song Lee in Room 2b.

We began by reviewing the events of the story.

Students were asked to describe their favourite character, to describe the setting, draw pictures to retell the beginning, middle, and end and then write a detailed sentence about their favourite part.

We discussed all the characters in the story and ways they can describe them with adjectives and personality traits. We thought back to our activity "Looking at Song Lee" to help us describe Song Lee but we also had to describe Doug, Horrible Harry and other characters.

We also talked about the setting, and what a setting is. The setting of this story was Room 2B so to get thinking we described our classroom. We came up with adjectives like colourful, small, detailed, and GERMY (LOL)

After students worked independently on their book review. Here is a look at some of their work in progress!

After they went to French.

When we returned after recess we continued working for a little bit on our book reviews. 

To finish off the day we worked on our presentations for the science fair.

We practiced our song.
Students have also been assigned a line or two to remember for the presentation. They have been given a script. We have also been working on a display board. Remember to come join us in Gym 1 on Thursday at 2:30 to see it all!

Have a lovely night.

Monday, 27 November 2017

Today's agenda notes are:
-Read/Raz Kids for 20 mins
-Spelling pg. 53-57
-Write one sentence for each spelling word
-Cursive up to pg.55
-Bake sale $ (Tues)
-Math test signed and returned

Then we had Daily 5.

After Daily 5 we went to PE with Mrs. Jans.

After PE we kicked off our new math unit: Multiplication and Division.

Today was a pre-assessment with some activities to assess their prior knowledge and get them excited for multiplicaton and division.

We began talking about what is multiplication - it is repeated addition, and division is repeated subtraction. Multiplication must be equal groups!

We began by talking about arrays:

What is an array: we learned that an array is an arrangement or pictures, circles, counters (or today FRUIT LOOPS) that arrange objects in equal rows.

The first number tells the number of rows, and the second number tells how many are in each row. (We will later learn that these numbers are called factors to make a product)

As a class we modelled how to make an array for 6x2=12
and that as repeated addition this looks like 2+2+2+2+2+2=12 or 6+6=12.


This is the same as saying: 2+2+2+2+2+2=12 or 6+6=12

Students then were given Fruit Loops to work together to make arrays with various multiplication sentences. We are learning our 2,5, and 10x tables this unit. We reviewed skip counting by these numbers because it required in multiplication.

They were given some examples and then proceeded to make their own with various problems.

After we discussed multiplication as equal groups.

What does this look like in groups? We have 7 groups of two.


We then worked on our worksheet independently.

After we went to lunch, and recess.

After recess we had spelling.

We are learning new letter sounds.

This week we are looking at 'l' blends and 'r' blends.

We learned that blends involve two consonants.

Here are the spelling words.

1) grass
2) trunk
3) truck
4) flew
5) flat
6) class
7) plate
8) from
9) glove
10) friend

After we discussed some more blend words and went over how to successfully complete our activities in our workbook.

We proceeded to practice for the Christmas concert, we sung Stick Beak the Kiwi and practiced the actions.

Then we went to French with Mme. Stella.

After French we had second lunch and recess.

We continued our preparations for the Science Fair.
Please come join us this Thursday and see our wonderful rock candy!

Students were divided into groups and will be given a script to memorise their part. Today we co-constructed our script and practiced our song.

After we went to the Ancient Civilisations exhibit put on by the Grade 5's. We had such a blast checking out their artifacts and learning. Thank you for inviting us Grade 5's!

We then returned and got ready for home!

Have a great night! 

Remember the book fair!

Our Very First Book Fair is Coming Soon – Yee-Haw!
“Saddle Up & Read” with the first Scholastic Book Fair at St. Jude’s Academy – December 7 to December 14
There will be lots of exciting books, posters, bookmarks, pens and pencils, etc. to choose from!
Proceeds will go to buying great new books for our library.
Students interested in being part of the Student Crew will be meeting tomorrow (Nov.21) at lunch.
More Parent Volunteers are also needed.  If you’d like to help out please contact Ms. Hayward at
Keep an eye out for more information here on your teacher’s blog, on Facebook, and on the Library blog:

Friday, 24 November 2017

Today`s agenda notes are:

-Raz Kids or read for 20 minutes
-Cultural Flag research Due Dec 4

The videos from yesterday have been posted to yesterday`s blog post.

After agendas we discussed our cubby area and how to keep it clean and make sure we are responsible for our belongings.

After...Mrs. Jans was away today so we did some active games and activities in class.

We moved the tables and played a game with a partner which involved active listening to touch their heads, shoulder, knees, etc and then on GO they have to grab an object from the ground.

We then did some active fitness activities. We also played rock, paper, scissors evolution.

We finished off with some mindfulness to calm down and reflect.

After we moved our tables back and got ready for some more UOI presentations.

Hunter: presenting about his Grandma.

Jordan presenting about his Mom

 Quinntin presenting about his Mom

Aashrith presenting about his Dad.

Alexa had a very organised and lovely presentation about her Dad. Unfortunately the video is not uploading! Will trouble shout and upload it Monday

After we had first lunch and recess.

When we returned we had our spelling test. It included the words from lessons 7-11. Students wrote full sentences.

After our spelling test we worked on our sheets to reflect what being a Thinker means to them. Students had to think of a time when they had a problem and how they solved it. After they explained something they are confident in and could teach. They wrote this as full sentences.

After we went to French with Mme. Stella

Then we went to second lunch and recess.

Next we had the had the last few presentations. Some will be uploaded Monday.

Aydan acted his presentation our with a lot of drama and used some classmates to help. His video will be uploaded next week!

Rayna presenting her Grandma from India

Esha presenting her Mom from Suku

 Jad presenting his father from Lebanon

Charlotte did her video from home and we watched her presentation.

After we cleaned up and got ready for home!
Have a wonderful weekend:)