-Read/Raz Kids for 20 mins
-Spelling pg. 53-57
-Write one sentence for each spelling word
-Cursive up to pg.55
-Bake sale $ (Tues)
-Math test signed and returned
Then we had Daily 5.
After Daily 5 we went to PE with Mrs. Jans.
After PE we kicked off our new math unit: Multiplication and Division.
Today was a pre-assessment with some activities to assess their prior knowledge and get them excited for multiplicaton and division.
We began talking about what is multiplication - it is repeated addition, and division is repeated subtraction. Multiplication must be equal groups!
We began by talking about arrays:
What is an array: we learned that an array is an arrangement or pictures, circles, counters (or today FRUIT LOOPS) that arrange objects in equal rows.
The first number tells the number of rows, and the second number tells how many are in each row. (We will later learn that these numbers are called factors to make a product)
As a class we modelled how to make an array for 6x2=12
and that as repeated addition this looks like 2+2+2+2+2+2=12 or 6+6=12.
This is the same as saying: 2+2+2+2+2+2=12 or 6+6=12
Students then were given Fruit Loops to work together to make arrays with various multiplication sentences. We are learning our 2,5, and 10x tables this unit. We reviewed skip counting by these numbers because it required in multiplication.
They were given some examples and then proceeded to make their own with various problems.
After we discussed multiplication as equal groups.
What does this look like in groups? We have 7 groups of two.
We then worked on our worksheet independently.
After we went to lunch, and recess.
After recess we had spelling.
We are learning new letter sounds.
This week we are looking at 'l' blends and 'r' blends.
We learned that blends involve two consonants.
Here are the spelling words.
1) grass
2) trunk
3) truck
4) flew
5) flat
6) class
7) plate
8) from
9) glove
10) friend
After we discussed some more blend words and went over how to successfully complete our activities in our workbook.
We proceeded to practice for the Christmas concert, we sung Stick Beak the Kiwi and practiced the actions.
Then we went to French with Mme. Stella.
After French we had second lunch and recess.
We continued our preparations for the Science Fair.
Please come join us this Thursday and see our wonderful rock candy!
Students were divided into groups and will be given a script to memorise their part. Today we co-constructed our script and practiced our song.
After we went to the Ancient Civilisations exhibit put on by the Grade 5's. We had such a blast checking out their artifacts and learning. Thank you for inviting us Grade 5's!
We then returned and got ready for home!
Have a great night!
Remember the book fair!
Our Very First Book Fair is Coming Soon – Yee-Haw!
“Saddle Up & Read” with the first Scholastic Book Fair at St. Jude’s Academy – December 7 to December 14
There will be lots of exciting books, posters, bookmarks, pens and pencils, etc. to choose from!
Proceeds will go to buying great new books for our library.
Students interested in being part of the Student Crew will be meeting tomorrow (Nov.21) at lunch.
More Parent Volunteers are also needed. If you’d like to help out please contact Ms. Hayward at hhayward@stjudesacademy.com
Keep an eye out for more information here on your teacher’s blog, on Facebook, and on the Library blog: https://libraryatsja.blogspot.ca/
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