Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Today's agenda notes:

-Math worksheet
-Spelling pg. 53-57
-Write one sentence for each spelling word in spiral book
-Cursive up to pg. 55
-Sign and return math test
-Cultural flag research due Dec 4

**Also our Science Fair is tomorrow, please come at 2:30 to view our experiment**\

**Also SJA is excited to announce that Year Ahead Day is happening again this year!  All SJA PYP students will be participating in this exciting event on TuesdayDecember 5th.   Year Ahead Day is a fun and interactive day for the students at SJA to spend a day in the class of the grade level ahead of them (example: SK students spend their day as Grade 1 students, Grade 6 students spend their day as Grade 7 students, etc.).  This is a great way for the students at SJA to get a glimpse into their future life at SJA!  Students can get to know the teachers, see their future classroom, and take part in activities they will be participating in next year.**

This is a sneak peak for next year and not necessarily the classroom teacher that their child will have.  Our grade 2's will be going to spend the day with Miss Chiapetta.

Miss Smith's grade 1's I am excited to have you on this day!

Also Miss Patricia is back!!!

After we practiced for our science fair presentation.

Then we went to PE with Mrs. Jans.

After PE we had math

Today's lesson was learning to use arrays to multiply the key vocabulary we learned today are: array, factors, and product.

What is an array: an array describes objects in equal rows and columns.

We learned that the two numbers you multiply are called factors and the answer is called a product.

We looked at how the first factor is the number of rows in an array, and the second factor is the number in each row. All together is the product.

Students worked in partners to figure out all of the ways they can make an array with Fruit Loops.
We looked at the product of 6 and how many ways we can make an array.

We came up with
4x3=12 and 3x4=12
12x1=12 and 1x12=12
6x2=12 and 2x6=12

We can switch the factors but the product will still stay the same!

Check out this video for more information:

After students worked on their worksheets.

Next we went to first lunch and recess.

After we practiced for the Christma Concert singing Stick Beak the Kiwi.
Today we read read about some facts about the New Zealand Christmas.

We emphasised that facts come from non-fiction texts which means that it is real!

-We learned that in New Zealand the kids leave carrots for Santa's reindeer and pineapples for Santa.
-Christmas takes place in the summer
-Santa wears 'jandals' which are New Zealand sandals and sometimes his New Zealand All Blacks rugby uniforms.

After we went to music with Mr. Oliver and French with Mme. Stella

After recess we rehearsed our science fair presentation!
Students are really remembering their lines and speaking with confidence and enthusiasm!
We are all really excited to present tomorrow!

Then we got ready for home!

I have also handed out forms for students to give their parents in order to sign up and create an account pickAtime for our student led conferences next week. Please sign up as soon as possible

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