Thursday, 26 October 2017

Today's agenda notes are:

-Read for 20 mins
-Math unit test next Thurs (Nov 2)
-Book order due tmw
-Math Worksheet
-Cursive pg. 30-33
-Spelling pg. 34-37
-Lunch order form due tmw (for November) online

-Also important notes from our morning announcements regarding Halloween/Harvest Day. Students are permitted to wear their costumes (no scare masks or facepaint and no weapons). You can also wear orange and black.

Then we worked on our writing a recount draft from yesterday.

After we went to PE with Mrs Jans.

Today for math we learned addition with three digit numbers with and without regrouping. 

We started off with our word problem: 

St. Jude's Academy has 425 students and Suffah Academy has 248 students. How many students are there altogether. We went through the problem and identified why we know we need to add. (Because of the word altogether )  We also underlined the numbers because they are important.

We modeled as a class how to do the standard algorithm with three digits

1)      Always start from the ones, 8+5=13
22)      We have to regroup 13 and carry ten over to the tens column
33)      The ten is represented in the tens column as a one
44)      We add up the tens column (1+7+4=12)
55)      12 tens makes 120 so we have to carry 10 tens over to the hundreds
66)      It is represented by one in the hundreds column
77)      Then we add up the hundreds column (1+4+2=7)
88)      We have our final answer of 723.

We then did a few more problems together as a class with some students explaining their thinking and how they got their answer. Some of the problems included regrouping the ones but may not have had to regroup, but the tens did. 

We also used pictures to show how to carry over.

After math it was time for first lunch and recess.

When we came back, we worked on our recounts again, we are working on improving our drafts using feedback, and editing our work. We started off together identifying the first, then, next and finally events in the video, and inputting bullet notes for each section to sequence the movie. 

We discussed how we can use different words so that we are not saying, then, then, then, then. We also came up with a few other words such as: after, later, in the end, at the beginning.

Afterwards, we went to music and French. In between we had our pictures taken!

After French we had second lunch and recess. 

When we returned we took a few more minutes to finish our writing. 

Then we talked about our IB Learner profile of the month which is knowledgeable, we wrote down what it means to us and also about the attitude independence. 

To finish off we started categorising reasons why people migrate including both push and pull factors. We put them into four categories,

  • Environmental (natural disasters, no food (food comes from animals and plants) or generally being in a more peaceful environment.
  • Social (escape war)
  • Political (more freedom or speech and expression, the right to vote)
  • Economic (more jobs)
We are still working on reasons why people migrate and will be learning more reasons why people migrate and looking at the responsibility of moving to another country,. We will also be looking at what people do when they arrive.

Then we got ready for home!

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