Tuesday, 3 October 2017

First Field Trip!

Today was our first field trip to the Food Bank!

We went to assembly and then after we started to get ready for our trip. Today we did not write in our agendas, homework is to read and complete spelling and cursive.

It was an exciting day! We had a tour of the food bank and learned what they do in the community, and how they are meeting the community's needs.

Starting the tour!

We saw the plants. They grow their own vegetables which included tomatoes, onions and eggplants.

On the tour!

 This is the entrance to the store. We learned that even though it looks like a store there are no payments!
Our tour included seeing the walk in fridge and freezer! 

At the end of tour Mr. Mark gave us some donated books to choose from and he kindly gave us a box to bring back to school which we gave to the library.

On the way home we had some relaxing time. When we came back to school it was time for recess.

After recess we did our math pre-assessment for the next unit which is Patterns in Addition and Subtraction. Pre-assessments are to gauge what the students already know.

After our pre-assessment we had our journal entries where was to describe our day at the Food Bank. They were asked to talk about what they liked the best and how they will make a difference in the community. This is to anchor them into their final inquiry project for this current unit of inquiry.

Then it was time for home!

Have a lovely evening!

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