Wednesday, 13 September 2017

September 13, 2017

Today we were introduced to Mrs. Patricia who will be helping our class Wednesday-Friday until April.

We started our day off writing agendas, today's notes are:

  • Bring in headphones
  • Read for 20 minutes
  • Student handbook form
  • Math pages 29-30 
    • Question 1,2a,c,e,f 3a,b,c,f, 4,5,6a,b,c,7
  • Cursive writing page 8-9 (those that did not finish in class)
  • Scholastic book order
You will be receive an invoice for the trip on Freshbooks.

After agendas we went to PE

After PE we had math. We looked at modelling 3 digit numbers today. We were able to successfully build and model three digit numbers, decomposing and composing the number 178 looking at the many ways we can represent it. We worked on our secret number activity again but this time with a number between 100 and 1000. They were able to identify that there must be more than 1 hundred in the hundreds column and no more than 9 for the number to qualify. Afterwards, as a class we looked at writing our numbers in words and co-constructed a chart to help us write numbers to words. We wrote the word form for numbers 1-10, 10-90 (counting by tens), and 100-900 (counting by hundreds) in words. Then we moved on to the textbook questions.

Whose finger is that!? *cough* Alister :)

After math it was time for first lunch and recess

After recess we took some more time to work on math then moved on to cursive writing! We modelled as a class the steps to form letters c and a, and then moved on to writing in our new cursive writing books. 

After we did literacy and discussed what a noun is. We know that a noun is a person, place or thing! We then brainstormed some nouns as it relates to our UOI unit. For example, on our chart the person we described as a firefighter works at a fire station and he or she uses a hose or a firetruck! We then moved on to our independent group task which was sorting people, places, and things. 

Nice pose Esha!

Afterwards, we went to French with Mme. Stella. 

After that it was time for second lunch and recess!

After recess we had UOI. For UOI our learning objective was: what does it mean to be a good citizen? We watched a short video to explain some ways we can be a good citizen. Afterwards we brainstormed as a class ways we can be a good citizen. Next we moved on to our independent task which included drawing ourselves and writing our ways we can be a good citizen. Students chose 2 or 3 ways they can be a good citizen! 

To conclude, we handed out homework and agendas. We have scholastic book order forms with some very exciting book, games and other stuff!


Ordering Website is now Active for the month of October. You may start ordering your child's lunches! Please make your child is under the correct grade, as there were many mistakes made for last month's ordering. The last day to order for October will be Wednesday, September 26th. After this date, our system closes and is unable to open for October ordering. All payments are due on Friday, October 6th. 

Cheque payments will not be accepted. If you choose the cheque option on the ordering site, it will be assumed that the payment is made through FreshBooks and you will be invoiced. 

Another item has been added to our Hot Lunch Program as a Special. This month's special is Shepherd's Pie that will be available every Friday!

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