Friday, 29 September 2017

Orange Shirt Day

Today is Orange Shirt Day!

Thank you for participating, everyone participated whether it was wearing an orange shirt, listening and respecting Phyllis' story (which we watched today), or creating an orange shirt on display.

We were careful posing
 We tried a selfie but it was hard to get everyone in.

For agendas today's notes were:
-Book order
-Read for 20 minutes
-Trip form Due Oct 6 (For the next trip!)
-Study for math!
-Recorder money/form
-International Day Materials

After we had our daily 5 stations and then went to PE with Mrs. Jans.

After PE we had math. We started off with math games. One game was Place Value Yahtzee where students had to roll three dice and fill in their yahtzee card. So if they rolled a 3, 3, and 6 they would look on their yahtzee card to a category where they can make that number.

Another game was flipping three cards, and creating the highest possible number they could and then writing the greater or less than sign with a partner. 

Another game was place value battleship where students have to write a number, then the other team has to ask questions such as: "Is your ten greater than 5?" Then they cross off the numbers the numbers that match the description.
The fourth game (ORDINAL NUMBER) was another rolling activity, where students rolled three dice, and had to write it out in standard form, and base ten form.
After math games, we worked on our review package. They received a new one today. It has been sent home for homework and practice for the test on Monday.

After math it was time for first lunch and recess. Wow three indoor recess days in a week!

After recess we had literacy. 

We had our spelling test today and after we watched Phyllis' story to further understand why we have Orange Shirt Day.

As it is the final day of September at school we celebrate our IB Learner Profile of the month which is "Inquirer." We started off with a class read aloud with the story "Dear Tooth Fairy" in which the main character Holly has SO many questions for the Tooth Fairy. After, we discussed what inquirers are and how we show our curiosity which is the attitude that goes with inquiry. We wrote sentences and drew photos to show how we are inquirers and posed a question we are curious about. 

After it was time for second recess and lunch. Indoors again!

After recess we continued with our inquiry and curiosity sheet and then moved into our International Day preparation! Then we got ready for home!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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