We have raised $6000 as a school so far, great work St. Jude's LET'S KEEP GOING.
Spring fundraiser assembly winners annouced for Monday and Tuesday
Agenda notes:
Raz Kids level up assignment due April 20th
Read for 20 minutes
Math worksheet [kilometres]
Spring fundraiser pledges!
Spelling pg. 106-108
Spelling sentences written in cursive
Grade 3 spelling package.
This morning we had a few structure presentations from Esha and Urvi.
After, we went to PE with Miss Yustin.
After PE we had math we recapped measuring with centimetres and proceeded to look at measuring in metres which students also looked at last week.
They had their own mini-olympics in groups measuring how far they can blow a toilet paper roll, cotton puff, and flick a coin.
We modelled how to measure something that is greater than a metre by measuring Hunter. We have to make sure to mark where we ended then add the metre stick again.
We looked at the different ways to write our measurements
123cm is also 1.23m or 1m and 23cm.
We then looked at certain objects we would measure with metres or centimetres. So the bookshelf we would use metres, for a water bottle we would use centimetres.
We then introduced our next unit of measurement which is kilometres!
Students were asked to think where have their heard this before. They said they have seen it driving on the highway, on street signs, on maps, sometimes they hear the GPS say it!
So we figured out the kilometres measures the distance or length or very, very long things! We modelled how to write something in kilometres as 3km. I also explained that time comes into factor with distance. When you hear speed on the road at 60km/hour or that you can walk 1 kilometre in about 10 minutes.
So time helps when estimating kilometres.
For language today we did spelling here are the words of the week
1. worked
2. sending
3. wants
4. glasses
5. sees
6 .burning
7. reached
8. boxes
9. wishes
10. opening
All of the list words have been build from base [root] words and the endings s or es,ed,or ing. Add 'es' to words that end in x, s, sh, or ch. Just add 's' to words ending in other letters.
1. swimmer
2. biggest
3. winner
4. cutting
5. faxed
6. setting
7. stopped
8. wetter
9. slipped
10. stepping
11. beginning
12. admitted
13. jogger
14. flexing
15. waxed
16. bragged
17. trapped
18. skimmed
19. trimming
20. shipped
For UOI.
We looked at what stability is.
We did an experiment, to look at this scientific question.
Does the height of a structure affect its stability?
We discussed our prediction as a class and predicted that the tallest paper towel roll will fall first, the medium one will fall second and the short one will fall last. This will happen because taller structures are less stable and are flexible and shorter ones don't flex and have more stability.
Then we did our experiments.
We created earthquakes. Rayen did trial 1, Amar did trial 2, and Jordan did trial 3. We noticed that when Jordan did his the medium roll fell first. So we discussed that this is why we did three trials because sometimes there are scientific errors.
Here is our conclusion and observations. We noticed that the short roll, didn't fall!
We also looked at stability with our bodies. We stood up straight and gently pushed each other off balance, the we got low and gently pushed eachother. Students realised that it is way harder to knock someone off balance when they are low. So in sports, use the athletic stance to stay balanced and stable!
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