Tuesday, 6 February 2018

A message from the Admissions Coordinator…

Hello SJA Parents and Guardians,

This is just a friendly reminder that our deadline for re-registration is just days away! Currently, we have a number of families on waitlists wanting to secure any vacancies that may be available to them once this deadline has passed.  Therefore, in order to ensure that your child has a secured placement for the upcoming academic year (2018-2019), we kindly ask that if you have not already done so, to please complete and return your child’s registration package to their homeroom teacher as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued support with St. Jude’s Academy.

Today's agenda notes:
-Spelling pg. 77-80 and sentences
-Cursive up to pg. 75
-Read on Raz-Kids for 20 minutes
-Practices speeches
-Student for math test tomorrow
-Re-registration form
-Trip form

Then we had some speech presentations with Miss Jaskolka's class.

After, since Miss Yustin is away sick we reflected on our January learner profile 'Risk-taker' and the attitude 'enthusiasm' with Mrs. Amra.

Then we had some more UOI presentations. 

After we continued to finish up any unfinished work and then we went to Miss Jaskolka's class for some more speeches.

Then we had first lunch and recess.

After recess we finished up any outstanding work and organised our IB binders and putin our work that we feel is 

1. Our best work
2. Worked the hardest on
3. Something I can improve on
4. Learner profile

We also designed the front cover for our IB binders.

Then we went to French with Mme. Stella.

We finished off the day with some more speeches, tomorrow is the last day for both classes before the finals on Friday!

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