Then we went to Physical Education with Mrs. Jans. (We have PE everyday, but the students don't change their clothes for PE just their shoes. On Mondays and Wednesdays students come dressed in their PE uniforms)
After a packed morning we wrote our agendas, in which the notes for today are:
- Bring in headphones
- Read for 20 minutes
- Student handbook form
- All about me bag for tomorrow
- Fall Fiesta Form
- Trip Form
If your child already brought in forms they didn't write it down again.
Afterwards, we started math! Our first unit is on patterning and place value. Today, we investigated the base ten blocks; looking specifically at hundreds, tens and ones units. We discussed why each block is each value. Afterwards, I gave students specific values to build houses, buildings and structures with their values. (e.g. 4 hundreds, 3 tens, 6 ones).
After math it was time for lunch and recess.
After students completed an "All About Me" banner. Students created a self portrait, and shared their favourite subject, hobby, animal, food, and what they want to be when they grow up!
Then students went to their first French lesson of the year with Mme. Stella.
After French it was time for second lunch and recess.
After, recess, we began to introduce our UOI for this unit which is All for One and One for All in How We Organise Ourselves. Today we looked at four learner profiles (Risk-taker, caring, inquirer, and open minded) and we completed a graffiti activity where students discussed and wrote down as we learned and explained what being an Inquirer, risk-taker, caring, and open-minded means.
Today our class read-aloud was a story titled "The Day the Crayons Quit" we had very interesting discussions today and I LOVE how open minded the students were discussing the colour pink's role in the story.
Lunch Money:
September lunch payments are due tomorrow!
Cheers! Have a wonderful evening!
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