Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Today's agenda notes:
-Spelling review lesson 13-17 pg 73-76
-Cursive up to pg. 72
-Read on Raz kids for 20 minutes
-Practice speeches
-Math worksheet capacity mL
-UOI summative presentation start tomorrow
-Trip form

After agendas students worked on their Holiday scrapbook and then had PE with Ms. Yustin.

For math today we learned about estimating, and measuring using milliliters (mL).

We started off reviewing what we learned about L.

Then we proved that four glasses is equal to 1L by measuring four cups, pouring it into a 1L container and measuring the capacity.

We reviewed how to measure by getting to eye level.

We looked at different sized containers, jugs, baking equipment and cups to see how the lines can change in value depending on the size of the container. Students went around and read different capacities of water.

We then created looked at a recipe and the amount of each ingredient. We know that for smaller capacities we must use millilitres to measure and for larger capacities we use litres.

We know that 0.5L=500mL
and 1L=1000mL

We then created our magic potions.
Students were given 600mL to draw out up to six ingredients for their magic potion.
Together we discovered that each line on the container represented 20mL.

Here are some of their magic potions.Some students really challenged themselves to use more ingredients and use a variety of different capacities for their potion.

After we practiced ordering some capacities from the greatest to least.
1L, 500mL, 250mL, 35mL, 900mL, 2.5L
2.5L, 1L, 900mL, 500mL, 250mL, 35mL. 

Students have been given a worksheet for homework. 

After lunch we read chapter three of Horrible Harry and the Holidaze for our novel study. We started off recapping the previous chapters and what we learned about Three Kings Day. This chapter was titled 'Heads up for Kwanzaa' so we predicted that it would be about Kwanzaa. As we read we often paused to fill in the blanks because we have prior knowledge about Kwanzaa. After student drew a picture of Harry and wrote descriptions about how he is feeling. They also made predictions about why he is feeling angry, upset, and in a daze. Students were asked to use their knowledge of the story so far and our prior knowledge to come up with reasonable predictions.

We shared our predictions.

Some students predicted that Harry is upset because the new student in their class Zuzu is getting all the attention and he feels left out. 

Some students said he is in a daze because his parents aren't able to come in to talk about a holiday or he doesn't have a special holiday.

Then we went to French with Mme. Stella.

Tuesday, 30 January 2018


Today's agenda notes:
 -Cursive up to pg. 72
-Spelling review lesson 13-17 and detailed sentences
-Read for 20 minutes on Raz-Kids
-Practice speeches
-Math worksheet (capacity)
-UOI summative materials
-Casual day Jan 31
-Trip (workshop form)

After we had PE with Ms. Yustin. Check out her blog

After PE we had math today for math we learned about capacity. We learned about estimating and measuring capacity in litres.

We started off introducing this new unit of measurement litres also written as L. (Must be a capital)

We looked at what litres meant and containers we have seen them on such as the milk cartons at the grocery store, juice boxes, etc.

We used the laundry detergent container as our benchmark container since it is 1L.

We estimated if it would fill up the shallow dish, which holds 1.5 L
Some students estimated that the water inside the laundry detergent would spill over the shallow dish  but when we poured it in we actually had a lot of room left over for more liquid!

So we learned that sometimes things can be shallow and wide but have the same or greater capacity as something long a narrow.

After we looked at a milk carton which was about 2L. Students estimated if the laundry detergent would spill over, fill it up perfectly, or not fill it up at all. Since we know 2L is bigger students were able to make valid predictions and the water only filled up to halfway.

We then looked at a protein bottle that held 700mL and estimated again if it would spill over, fill it up perfectly, or not fill it up at all. We knew that 700mL is less so we estimated that there would be some water left over after we filled the protein bottle.

One litre from the TIDE bottle was emptied into the protein bottle which was 700mL and the rest was either spilled on the table or in the dish.

After our hands students learned how to read liquid in a capacity. We must get eye level to the container on a level surface or else our reading will be inaccurate.

We learned that 4 glasses would equal 1 L. So if it's recommended to drink 8 glasses of water a day that's 2L. 10L would be 40 cups. Multiplying the amount given in L by 4. The doubling strategy helps us for question 3 on the worksheet because we need to figure out how many glasses make 18L so we can figure out 9L and then double it.
1L=4 glasses
2L=8 classes
...continue counting on by 4's or multiplying by 4
9L=36 glasses

18L=72 glasses (doubled 36)

We then talked about what makes more sense?

1L  or 5L for a teapot
2L or 24L for a jug of lemonade
4L or 25L for a fish tank

We know that 1L is 1000mL and will be learning more about milliliters tomorrow.

After we worked on our worksheets.

After lunch we practiced for our oral competition. Students are getting the opportunity to practice in front of the whole class and receive two stars and a wish in preparation for next week.

Then we had music with Mr. Oliver and French with Mme. Stella.

After second recess we worked on our UOI summative.
Students are working towards creating their made up holiday and presenting on Thursday.

Monday, 29 January 2018

March Break Camp registration forms were sent home back in October. We have had many students sign up since then and especially over the last few days. If you are interested in registering your chid for our March Break camp, please send in the completed registration form, along with the $20 one-time non-refundable deposit in order to secure your child's spot (this could be paid in cash or through fresh books). This year there are two options to chose from the first being lunch and two snacks provided or the second being send your own packed lunch and a discounted camp rate! We also have daily rates available. Please contact Ms. Smith for more details.

 it is imperative that you submit your re-enrollment package and fees no later than February 12, 2018 at 4:00pm. After this date, all available grade-level spaces will be open to our families on waitlists who will then have the opportunity to secure any vacant positions.

-Spelling review lessons 13-17 pg. 73-76
-Cursive up to pg. 72
-Practice speeches
-UOI summative materials
-Casual day Jan 31st
-Bake sale Tuesday and Wednesday
-Trip (workshop form) form

After agendas had PE with Ms. Yustin. We earned  stars today way to go!

For math today we added and subtracted money amounts using coins and bills.

We started off reviewing our homework and taking up a few questions. If this was not completed over the weekend students need to complete this tonight. 

After, we used a market list of items and prices to determine the total cost of two items. We modeled together how we can use coins, draw coins, and use the standard algorithm to find the total cost. 

We then proceeded to find out the change if we pay with a 10 dollar bill.

We counted up and used the standard algorithm to see if both strategies give us the same amount of change.

After students went shopping again with their partner and choose two items in which they had to find the total cost and then find our their change if they paid with a 10 dollar bill.

Seems we like the standard algorithm the best.

Students were asked to shop for three orders consisting of two items.

Check out this video!

For homework students have a full worksheet.

After recess we had language. This week students need to review lessons 13-17 on pages 73-76 and the spelling test could be any of these words!

We also modeled how to create detailed sentences. Students have been asked to ensure they are using adjectives and using words like 'because', 'so', 'also', 'and', and 'but.'

After we had two risk-takers practice orally rehearsing their speech in front of the class.
Jordan and Jad kicked it off and received feedback from their classmates. This is great practice before the oral competition.

Of course many of our friends understand that this is a practice!

After we had French with Mme. Stella.

After second lunch we had UOI. We discussed the UOI summative and looked at some examples of scrapbooks. 

We brainstormed as a class all the traditions and celebration we have learned about and talked about how we can combine ideas to create our own holiday. 

Students received a brainstorm sheet to complete the requirements that were listed on the parent letter. 

Before packing up for home time Hunter practiced rehearsing his speech!

Friday, 26 January 2018

Today's agenda notes:
-Read for 20 minutes on Raz Kids or paper copy
-Practice speeches
-Math worksheet - money
-Book order due Monday
-Bake sale Tuesday
-Casual day Wednesday

After we continued answering and writing our comprehension questions for Three Kings Day.

For math today we combined counting, adding and making change with money.

Today we reviewed making change. I noticed in homework many students have been doing the standard algorithm to solve problems even though we have been learning to make change by counting up and using pictures. We went over how to use the standard algorithm for money and now students have three choices to make change whichever one suits them the best!

We went through an example using the three strategies.

We used a ten dollar bill to buy an item that costs $5.67

So we used our picture method.

1. First we drew ten dollars using loonies, dimes, nickels, and pennies
2. Second we crossed off the cost of the item
3. We counted the money that was left over and that is the change

The second strategy was counting up.
The third is the standard algortihm. MAKE SURE THE DECIMALS LINE UP was the big rule!

After students went shopping.

Grocery flyers were placed around the room and students had to go shopping for 1-4 items and figure out the total, but I told them my cashier is broken and they have to figure out their change if they pay with a ten dollar bill.

After, we worked on our worksheets.

Then we had first lunch and recess.

For our spelling test today, the bonus words were:
1. jungle
2. marble
3. startle
4. bubble
5. sparkle

After we had music with Mr. Oliver, and French with Mme. Stella.

Our TRIBES  activity today was helping hand. We discussed in a circle ways we have helped someone. Students then wrote on a hand their deed.

When we returned students finished up their Three Kings Day comprehension questions and then started Golden Time.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Today's agenda notes:

-Re-registration packages (please check your e-mail and reply or write it in your child's agenda)
-Read for 20 mins on Raz-kids.
-Practice speeches
-Jump for for heart package
-Math worksheet - making change only the shopping questions and a minimum of two word problems completed the rest are optional.
-Spelling pg 69-71 and cursive up to pg. 66 are due tomorrow
-Last day for food drive donations is tomorrow
-Book order due Monday Jan 29th

After agendas we reviewed our spelling words and talked about the letter sounds and how to figure out how to spell a bonus word if we know the letter sounds!

Then we had PE with Ms. Yustin.

For math today we looked at estimating, counting and making change again

We practiced counting on...
We also used a visual way to help us.
This is the step by step on the front of the package.We did this together.

First we drew the coins as the note we are paying and the last dollar should be drawn in coins the best choice is to draw it out as nine dimes, one nickel and five pennies. We drew eight dimes, two nickels, and five pennies.

Then we circled the cost of the t-shirt in coins.
What ever was left over is the change.

We then worked on our worksheets.

Check out this video. The currency is in American coins but the concept is what we have been learning.

After we had first lunch and recess.

Then we worked on math a little bit more and spent some more time working on our worksheets.

Then we practiced our speeches and went to French with Mme. Stella. Check out her blog, link is at the top of the page.

After second recess we had UOI. Today for UOI we had our novel study 'Horrible Harry and the Holidaze' and we finished reading chapter 2 and learning about Three Kings Day.

Before reading we recapped chapter 1. Then we read chapter 2. After we did a retell of chapter 2. Students explained and we wrote down.

1. Who celebrates Three Kings Day
2. When is it celebrated?
3. What is celebrated?
4. How do they celebrate it?

Students were asked to record their answers independently and will be finishing their comprehension sheet tomorrow.

After we tidied up and got ready for home.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Today's agenda notes:
-Read on Raz-kids for 20 minutes
-Re-registration packages
-Spelling pg. 69-72 and detailed sentences.
-Cursive up to pg. 66
-Food drive donation by Jan 26th
-Book order due Jan 29th
-Jump Rope for Heart package
-Practice speeches

After we practiced speeches and then had PE with Ms. Yustin.

For math today we looked at making change when buying items under $10.00.

We started off with some exploration. Students were given an amount of change under $10.00 and a price chart of fishes. In pairs they had to choose two fish they wanted to buy, figure out the total and what coins to use to make their purchase.

After they explored strategies to figure out their change. We know that sometimes we have to pay more than the exact amount.

After students explored we took up strategies they used. Some students counted on, skip counted, forwards and or backwards, and some drew the coins.

As a whole class we then had to make a purchase for the fishtank with a ten dollar bill.

The fishtank cost $7.29 so how to we figure out the change by counting on and skip counting?

First we wrote our amount and added a penny to make it an easier number. Then we added two dimes until we got to $7.50 and then we decided to add quarters because when we count by 25's, 50 is a number we reach.

We did this until we reached $8.00 and then added a toonie to make it $10.00.  Along the way we drew the pictures and after.

We did a few examples together and did most of the worksheet together. We will be practicing this more tomorrow.

After we had lunch and recess.

We practiced some more math after recess

Then we had music with Mr. Oliver and French with Mme. Stella before going to second lunch and recess.

When we returned we practiced our speeches.

Then we had UOI, today we read Chapter 1 of our Novel study.

We revisit what our predictions were and then read on.

We learned that in Miss Mackle's class students celebrate 5 different celebrations! Korean New Years, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, and Three King's Day...hmmm we were a little stumbled when we heard this because we haven't learned about it yet.

Also there is a new student in class names Zuzu and students were able to pick out evidence from the text to tell me about him. We learned that he is not shy, he is from Lebanon, and has a pet guinea pig.

We also learned that Horrible Harry was in a 'daze' and that's why the story uses 'holidaze' we also learned a new word. Harry was described as a 'scowling statue.' Scowling we were able to figure out means angry or mad we figured this out by knowing how Harry is feeling in the story so far. Great interpretation!

Then we got ready for home.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Today's agenda notes

**Re-registration package**
-Read for 20 mins
-Practice speeches
-Jump rope for Heart Package
-Math worksheet (making change)
-spelling pg. 69-72
-cursive up to pg. 66
-food drive donation (last day Jan 26)
-Book orders due Jan 29th

Then we had Daily 5.

After we had math, today for math we looked at adding money.

We set up a store to buy things and students had to make their change and pay me!

They were given their shopping list and had to browse the store, then they lined up to cash out.

They showed me how they figured out the total of their items by counting the dollars first then the cents.

After, everyone cashed out we took up some problems together. We looked at some other problems in which we had to add items such as:

Bananas $0.85
Milk $1.25
Apples $1.50

We noticed here that the dollars add up to $2 but the cents are 160 so what happens next?
We can't write $2.160, but we know that 100 cents make a dollar so we add a dollar to the dollar value and keep the cents so it is $3.60.

After students practiced adding the totals for orders at a coffee shop. Making change will be another lesson. Students were asked to just total the items. Some students worked on the challenge which was to find the change. We will be having a lesson on finding change!

Then we had first lunch and recess.

After recess we had UOI, today we looked at identifying traditions from a range of cultures. We started off brainstorming what we have been learning about during this unit.

We talked about Christmas and birthday celebrations in different countries, Ramadan, Eid, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, New Years, Chinese New Years.

Then students were challenged to figure out clues from various envelopes and match it to a tradition and explain why.

Then we went to French with Mme Stella and second lunch and recess.

After recess we finished investigating the envelopes and took up our worksheets.

To finish the day students were given time to practice their speeches.

Monday, 22 January 2018

Today's agenda notes:

-Read for 20 minutes on Raz-kids
-Practice speeches
-Jump rope for heart package
-Math worksheet (counting money)
-Spelling pg 69-72 and detailed sentences
-Cursive up to pg 66
-Food drive donation (Jan 19-26)

After we went over Raz-kids revisiting how to answer the constructed responses and what to do if we get multiple choice questions wrong. We also went over the most stars earned by students so far.
In first is Aydan, in second is Jad, in third is Esha.

Then we had PE with Ms. Yustin.

For math today we looked at estimating, counting, and writing amounts of money up to ten dollars. We also practiced a few going over with the big bills!

First students were able to explore counting on their own.

After they were able to tell me that we have to sort the coins in order to count them, then count the dollars, and then count the cents. Students also explained that with their partner one of them counted the bills and the other counted the coins. Great teamwork!

Then, we went over as a class what to do if our coins exceeded 100 cents. IT BECOMES A DOLLAR.

We practiced how to group coins such as 1,2,5,10, and 25 cents into dollars and add the values.
We then learned how to record our answers in different ways.

4 cents could be $0.04 or 4 ¢. We modelled how to draw a dollar sign and a cents sign. 

Students have to be careful not to write 0.04¢. 

Then we had first lunch and recess.

After we did spelling and cursive.
This weeks spelling words:
1. apple
2. handle
3. able
4. bottle
5. table
6. uncle
7. candle
8. purple
9. turtle
10. people

We are looking at words with 'le' spelling at the end always have at least two syllables, as in
'apple.' We identified how words like tunnel and funnel sound like our rule this week but don't fit.

Then we had music with Mr. Oliver and French with Mme. Stella.

After second recess we practiced our speeches!

Then finished off with a show and share of some cultural artifacts.

Then we got ready for home. :)